Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What's Cooking

One of my resloutions for the New Year, is to be a more active blogger.  I am settling into retired life rather nicely.  And I get to spend time doing the things I love.  Judy L at Patchwork Times has invited us to cook along with a "mystery ingredient" of the week.  We had a little preview.  The first ingredient is sweet potatoes.  Not only are they tasty but nutritious as well.  My husband is not a fan.  Did I mention he has never tried them!!  Usually I just roast them with a little olive oil and salt and pepper.  My google search led me to Eating Well and their recipe Chile-Garlic Sweet potatoes.

The recipe is quick to prepare with only five ingredients. 
I wisked the olive oil, soy sauce, garlic chili paste and white pepper in a bowl.  Then the potatoes were added and tossed.  I roasted them alongside my chicken.

Not only were they pretty to look at but they tasted good too!!  They were a little spicy but went well with the roast chicken.

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