Monday, July 29, 2019

BOM's Away Monday

I started Quilt Doodle Designs 2019 BOM in Jan.  I wanted to do fusible with machine blanket stitch which I have never done.  Well, I bit the bullet so to speak, surfed YouTube and took the plunge.

It was slow work but I am pleased with my progress.  I have a few more applique blocks to complete.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Little Caking

I have been in a bit of slump the past two weeks.  Not sure why, but I haven't accomplished very much nor even written a list for the week.  I started with this small task and it feels good.

I am sure that all of my English teachers are rolling over in their graves to see that I made the word cake into a verb.  But I did and I am sticking with it.  This is how I spent a few hours, a little less than two hours to be exact.
Each and every "cake" is ready for a specific project.  All but two of those skeins should be used up by Oct. 1.
It feels good to be back.

Monday, July 8, 2019

PhD Report

I have been disappointed that I have made very little progress with my quilting  projects.  But this week I finally started to set up my sewing space.
 I found several more kits and UFO's to add to the list. 
I should be finished by the end of the week and I hope to sew SOMETHING.  ANYTHING.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Plans for July

June was not especially productive.  The Big Guy finished radiation and we went to a my niece's wedding in PA and visited with The Big Guy's twin brother.  It was a lot of driving but it was nice to visit with family.

This is what I wanted to do this June 

  • Mystery Afghan 2019--Complete Clue 4--halfway done
  • Pawley's Shawl--needs blocking
  • 1898 Hat
  • Quilt Doodles:  Garden Sunshine--maybe this month
  • Judy's UFO Challenge--#9 Home Tweet Home--nope
  • Joy of Life Block 7--in progress
  • Juvenile Pillowcases for James and Malcolm--4

Read  Something in the Water When the Lion Feeds

But I am hoping July will be more productive (but I say that every month).

July  2019

SET UP NEW SEWING SPACE:  yes it is ready for me to start unpacking.  I am beyond excited.  It feels like a little normalcy is creeping back into our lives.

  • Mystery Afghan 2019--Complete Clue 4 and begin clue 5
  • Felted Tote for ESK Q3 challenge
  • Quilt Doodles:  Garden Sunshine--I hope to start working on all of the blocks
  • Judy's UFO Challenge--#12 Joy of Life--at least block 7.  I have three blocks to finish.  I will be happy to finish just one block.
Read:  When the Lion Feeds