Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Stitching Resolution Blog Hop


This is a first for me--being part of a blog hop.  I have visited many blog hops but have never been a destination.  Since I love starting the New Year with goals and plans aka dreams and wishes, I spent the last week of the year making lists and then I make lists for the lists. 

Carla of Creatin in the Sticks posted about a blog hop that simply asks:  

My stitching resolution for 2021______________. 

One word simply wouldn't do.  USE IT UP--my new anthem.  But what do I want to use up and how will I do that.

To begin:  I will put my hand on every piece of fabric that I own.  I will love it or gift it--nothing in between.  And while handling this lovely fabric, I want to give some thought as to what I will do with it.  Will it become a quilt, a pillowcase, a project bag? 

I am a kit and BOM collector.  My latest count is 42 although I think some may hiding.  Most have been started but all need to be finished.  Most of these projects have some or all needle turn applique.  They take time but I motivated to put a serious dent in these projects.

In addition to needle turn applique, I enjoy other needle work as well.  I have always wanted to make a crazy quilt and this is my year.  The blocks for a French Soap Label Quilt are ready to be embellished to within an inch of its life.

I am so excited to part of the blog hop.  I am star struck with the company I am keeping.  Please visit the blogs of the participants.  I know I will learn a thing or two or three.

Wednesday, December 30th



  1. Hi Beth, I am in awe of you because applique I cannot do! I have had a go and they are ok and good friends who are quilters so I just need more practice but then quilting takes over and they get put to one side. It will be something I want to master eventually but I have a few UFO's that need my attention. I hope you get all your Resolutions done. Have a wonderful 2021. Hugs & Love, Susie xx

    1. Thank you for the lovely response. Good luck with your UFO's. Happy New Year.

  2. I love the way you are going to sort your stash, love it or give it, I need to give it a try too! Enjoy the needle turn appliqué projects!

    1. My stash is a little out of control and my tastes have changed. I have given myself permission of move on.

  3. I love the idea of use it or give it, I am sure I have more than a few give its.

    1. Thank you for visiting. I feel as though I am clearing out cob-webs!

  4. Having been a Steward several times for quilter's estate dispersement - please, stick to your handling and purging. I would rather see things used rather than stored.

  5. Once I make up my mind to do something, nothing can stop me. Having had three moves in three years, each space smaller than the last, I have become somewhat of an expert in downsizing. It is a great feeling.

  6. I love your goal to "Use it up." Also, Love it or Gift it is a great motto. Thank you for your inspiration, I'm writing "Use it up" in my planner. Thank you for joining the blog hop. Hopefully this is the first of many to come. It's a great motivator and a super way to make new friends. Happy New Year!

    1. I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have found several blogs I want to follow and a few linky parties to participate in.

  7. Welcome to the HOP. I can speak very, very highly for this group. I have been hopping steadily with them for years and have learned so much from these very talented and giving quilters. Love it of gift it sounds great but don't think I could do it. I'm very impressed that you are even willing to give it a try.

    1. I have enjoyed all of the blogs participating and feel energized. I think I needed a little boost to get motivated.

  8. Sounds like you have a busy stitching year ahead of you. Enjoy.

    1. I am sure I won't get to most of it but it is fun thinking about these lovely projects. Most important to enjoy the process.

  9. It's so fun to have you join in on a blog hop and this is a great beginner one. Hearts on Fire is the next blog hop if you want to join in. I like your way of tackling the fabric and I will definitely be trying that. I have way too much fabric that I kind of love, but not enough to sew with it. A crazy quilt sounds like a great project to take on. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I will be joining more hops. This one has been great fun.

  10. WOW11! I'm in awe of your goal ... touching every piece of fabric ... that would likely take me all year!! But good on you for doing it and gifting what you don't love!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

    1. Thank you. I am looking forward to PhD 2021. I want to be more active this year.

  11. That sounds like a plan. I think you have outdone me in the kits and BOM collecting. Good luck.

    1. Not a contest I wanted to win!!! I am determined to keep new starts to no more than 1 or 2 projects.

  12. Love your plan. I recently went through my fabric and decided that I do love all of it. I do have lots of kits and BOM and I have a list of them and as I finish things up it gets highlighted on the list.

  13. This is also my first participation in a blog hop. I am so glad there are people like you that like hand stitching. Good luck with your goals.

  14. Thank you for visiting. I LOVE checking items off a list.

  15. Your hand stitching is beautiful. I tried needle turn applique once, and it did not look good.

    1. Thank you. I have had several decades of practice.

  16. Whoo hoo, we have another blog hopper amongst us. Welcome to the club. You have a great goal. I know I can hear a collective "amen" from many of us! LOL!! Happy New Year.

    1. I had so much fun participating in this hop. And I am very excited to find other blogs that I want to follow.

  17. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blog Hop participation!! Best of luck on meeting your goals for 2021.

  18. Lovely list of goals for your 2021 Stitching Resolution. We will be cheering you on. 😉 Carol

  19. USE IT UP...great idea. One we should all have.

  20. Great goals, Beth! I don't do needle turn, but do enjoy raw edge applique. Though I took a class a couple of years ago on machine applique that looks needle turn, so I need to work on that! It's beautiful! Best wishes meeting your goals in 2021 and welcome to the "hopping" world! LOL
