Sunday, March 17, 2019

Prepping Applique Pieces

Needle-turn applique is one of my favorite things to do.  I learned by using freezer paper on top and that is the method I have taught for years.  But I have been watching and reading about glue basting and using spray starch to turn the edges.  The past few days I have immersed myself in prepping block #3 of Delft Blue.  At the moment I think I prefer the glue basting.  I seem to be getting neater edges.
Do you have a preferred method?  My press and cut board is looking pretty sad.  It is has gotten a lot of use over the years. 


  1. I generally use freezer paper. Haven't tried glue basting yet. Love those blues!

  2. I usually use freezer paper. I haven't tried glue basting for applique but I've used it in EPP work. I didn't like it, but if it works for you, go with it! Happy Stitching.

  3. Your pressing pad looks like mine, very well used. I prefer needleturn. I just can't seem to have the patience for pre turning but the thought of just stitching everything as it is all preturned sounds lovely.

  4. I use freezer paper and starch, and learned this from Erin Russek's blog, one piece at a time. I have tried glue basting, but prefer using little applique pins, as I find great satisfaction in pulling them out as I sew! (simple things!) The glue basting makes the fabric feel a bit hard. Really enjoy your blog, and your Delft project is lovely.

  5. I just finished taking 2 classes on prepping applique. One was starch, one was glue. I figure I'll use them interchangeably, depending on the size of the piece I'm prepping.
