Monday, March 18, 2019

BOM Update

I have a little confession.  I sign up for too many block of the month programs as well as the kits that go with them.  Since I am still unpacking and finding lots of treasures, I have been updating my inventory of WIP's and I am a wee bit embarrassed by my stash. 

This is the list of projects that I have started and that I have found.  I know there are a few more in a box somewhere:

  • Delft Blue
  •  Joy of Life
  • Sugarplum Stockings
  • Garden Sunshine 
  • Stars Over Baltimore
  • Crazy Seasons Mystery
  • Honoring Emma
But I have a Plan!  I am going to stick with one project and finish it before moving on and more importantly purchasing/signing up for another BOM.  

I am concentrating my efforts on Delft Blue which is actually a block of the week.  Eleven weeks have been released but I have only finished the first two blocks and have started prepping Block 3.

This is Block 1.  Block 2 is drying and waiting to be pressed.

Prepping pieces for Block 3.


  1. I have gotten the Delft Blue patterns and I really want to work on it because it is such a beautiful quilt, but have so many other projects in he works.

  2. Hi, Beth! You are certainly not alone in finding that you're surrounded by way too many kits and intentions! That's actually the entire reason I started the BOMs Away link-up - to help me keep working every week on a project that's accumulated. I've been at this for a few years now, and I go through phases of focusing just on one until I get it to a finished top stage (what I'm doing this year so far), or when I start feeling constrained and bored with that, I go for a length of time where I rotate through 4 BOMs, with each one being assigned a particular week in the month. I just switch to whichever strategy will keep me most productive at a given time. It's amazing how many BOMs have been finished up over the years! Your Delft Blue is going to be GORGEOUS!
