Sunday, January 2, 2022

End of Year Stash Reports


This is a summary of my yarn and fabric numbers for 2021.

Yarn Added during 2021:  14665 yards ( I did not do very well knitting from stash!)

Yarn Used in 2021:  6924 yards

Yarn Removed From Stash:  684 yards

 I just added my yarn inventory yardage and it seems as though I have 86,209 yards.  I did the math three times to make sure.  I really hope I made a HUGE mistake in my calculations (but I probably didn't).  There will be no sleeping this year.  My fiber resolutions for the 2022 are:

  • Plan projects around existing stash.  One exception is I can purchase yarn for Mitten Advent Garland.
  • Process/Destash more yarn than I purchase.
  • Only work on projects I enjoy.

I did a little better with my fabric numbers.

Fabric purchased this year:  14 yards
Fabric processed this year:   41.75 yards

I am off to visit some friends at quiltpaintcreate to see what they are up to.


  1. Nice summary for the year - I collect yarn too and am trying to do better at using it, but is is so fun to buy the new stuff! Good luck with your goals this year.

  2. Ohhhh! I so loved your summary - simple and easy to understand! Yes, yarn is no nice to pet and have. Good luck with your goals this year!

  3. Great fabric numbers! Good luck using your yarn this year.
