Monday, May 31, 2021

OMG Finish for May

 I have enjoyed Monthly in Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.  I start out with high hopes every January and then seem to fall off the wagon around May or June.  I always plan to make my goals quilting goals but somehow manage to work on knitting.  But a finish is a finish and that makes me happy.

This month I finished Dockside Cable Scarf.  

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunday Stash Report Week 18

There has been no change in my fabric number--none in and none out.  Maybe soon I will make a little progress.  

My yarn stash is another matter!  I made a birthday purchase at my favorite online  yarn destination, Eat Sleep Knit in Dallas Georgia.   Each year I participate in the Yarnathon and enjoy many of the challenges. 

And I managed a finish.  

Dockside Cable Scarf

My numbers this week:
Fabric--no changes

Yarn in this week:  2340 yards--lots of pretty sock yarn.
Yarn in YTD:  8911 yards

Yarn out this week:  370 yards 
Yarn Out YTD: 7195 yards

Monday, May 3, 2021

Stash Report Update

 While I have been making progress on my projects, I haven't finished anything in what seems like forever.  My quilt and fabric projects seem to be on hold.   I just don't seem to be able to get into my sewing room.  But I have made a little dent in my yarn that was off set with a yarn purchase. First let me say, I am not much of a crochet person.  I tell my friends I like to pretend to crochet.  When I saw the yarn for Sirdar's Sweet Blossom Blanket, I couldn't resist.  I saw Vivian, my newest granddaughter,  all over it.  I had one finish that only amounted to 950 yards.  This was the Temperance Shawl KAL.  It felt like a thousand yards more!

Yarn in this week:  3672 yards for Sweet Blossom Blanket

Yarn out this week:  950 yards for Temperance Shawl

Yarn in YTD:  6571 yards

Yarn out YTD:  5395 yards

More out than in this year--so far.  But I ALWAYS treat myself to a birthday yarn purchase.  And since my birthday is this week, next week's report won't be as positive.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

One Monthly Goal for May

 This is the first time this year that I didn't finish my one monthly goal.  I ended up finishing my Temperance Shawl instead.  But this month I AM GOING TO FINISH my Dockside Cable Scarf.

Dockside Cable Scarf

Merry Month of May

 Usually I map out a little plan each month for things I would like to at least work on.  I completely forgot to post a Monthly Plan for April.  This list is really ambitious and I know I won't complete most of it.  But these are definitely the things that I want to concentrate on the next few months. 


    • 30's String Blocks--need 10 more blocks; assemble top

    • Joy of Life--Baste

    • Vintage Rouge Blocks--Month 1 and 4