Thursday, July 16, 2020

PhD Progress

For the past several years I have signed up for a few quilting and knitting destash challenges.  (I am very motivated to begin a new year with a well formulated plan.)  One of my favorite quilting blogs is Quilting Gail and she hosts a yearly PhD challenge.  I take pictures and identify what I want to finish and post about it.  So far so good--right!

I started to set up a calendar with weekly and monthly posts that I wanted to participate in.  That working calendar is no where to be found on my desk or in my files (maybe it was a dream).  What could my excuse be this year for not following through?  With the pandemic, time stood still and it has been only been a day or two instead of five months or whatever we are up to now.
Like everyone else, I have cleaned every closet, drawer and shelf at least twice.  I have inventoried every single skein of yarn and gathered all quilting projects in one place.  In a moment of pure embarrassment I found not 20 or 30 PhD's but 42 of them.  This is my mid-year re-commitment to GET IT DONE.
I do like using Gail's Tally Record to keep track.
But I will finally share a finish for July.

Turning Twenty blocks made into a lap quilt.
Quilting done on my embroidery machine with a design by Amelie Scott.

Now I only have 40 projects to GO.  Wish me luck.


  1. Mind blown! I didn't know you could use an embroidery machine to quilt too! Your quilt is BEAUTIFUL and I checked out Amelie Scott's website. I don't have an embroidery machine but my BFF does so I'm sharing to her. Good job checking off a finish for your PHD!

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