Sunday, September 22, 2019

Making Progress--Stash Report

While I have been lax with posting, I have been making some progress on a few projects.  Not sure why I am in such a slump but hopefully it will end soon!

I did have a BIG finish this week.  The binding and label are finished for Hocuspocusville.

And a finish from last week that I didn't get around to posting.
Fabric in this week:  0 yards
Fabric out this week:  22.75 yards
Fabric in YTD: 28.75 yards
Fabric out YTD:  61.50 yards

I had one little yarn finish.  I have been learning Tunisian crochet and made a scarf for the Red Scarf project.
Tunisian Simple Stitch

I needed to update my Yarn Inventory.

Yarn in this week:  0 yards
Yarn out this week:  200 yards
Yarn in YTD:  10238 yards
Yarn out YTD:  6650

(I think I need to get busy!!!)


  1. Doesn't it feel good to finish a big project. Love your hocuspocusville quilt.

  2. You quilt is so lovely! Is that hand embroidery on your borders? It's lovely!

  3. Wow, I love what you did with Hocus Pocusville! I haven't seen another one set like that. Congratulations on your finish.

  4. Amazing!! You are an inspiration!!
