Saturday, November 26, 2016

On the Needles Friday (Saturday)

I know I have been on a little hiatus from blogging, but imagine my surprise to find blogger has changed!  I think it is just a little but I will need to spend some time with it.  Life has been a little stressful for our family with medical concerns.  As a family we circle the wagons to take care of each other.  I was able to lose myself for a few minutes here and there to relieve the tension.
 This was a simple knit that doesn't require too much concentration.  I have another on the needles that will have a football on top and the Patriot's colors--red, white and blue.  I will be sending it to my Little Mr. C who lives in VA.  My son in law is a die-hard Phila. Eagles fan.  And since Little Mr. C is going to be a big brother in January,  I have started Wee Baby Blocks  in Liberty wool in a soft blue grey. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear your life has been stressful lately. Hope things are settling down. That is a really cute little hat.
