Friday, November 28, 2014

On the Needles

Thanksgiving turned out not to be the holiday I planned.
I had an unfortunate run in with a knife while prepping on Wednesday.  I spent the afternoon in the ER getting patched up.  And then the Big Guy drove us home in snow and sleet.

The pies never got made.  But we managed to have a lovely dinner.  It is the people that make the holiday.

Unfortunately I am having difficulty knitting.  But I am making steady but slow progress on my custom fit sweater.  The first sleeve is almost done.


  1. Oh, wow, you really did a number on that hand! Heal quickly, OK?

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry for your mishap. That will make knitting a bit more challenging I'm sure. Get well quickly. Your sweater looks great.

  3. Oh my goodness, that must have been painful. I hope it heals very quickly. How annoying for you especially at this busy time of year. The sweater will be fab though.

  4. Oh no - hope your hand heals quickly and everyone else in your house takes care of the cooking for a while!

  5. So sorry you had a mishap with your knife! Hope you heal quickly and can get back to knitting your beautiful sweater.
