Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog

After being introduced to the world of blogs a few years ago, I thought I would give it a try.  Originally I thought I was developing a test blog that would not see the light of day until I had a better sense of what I was doing.  But before I knew it, I hit the publish button instead of save or delete..  My technical skills are still developing. 

My blog title gives you an idea of what I like to do:  needle turn applique, knitting, crazy quilts, cooking and eating healthy, family history as well as machine embroidery and reading.  There is never enough time to do the things I enjoy but I love the time I do get to "play"  with my stashes. 

While planning my New Year resolutions, I realized that this blog would be part of that plan.  I want to learn more about the ins and outs of blogging.  I was so excited when I learned how to link.
And then there are the challenges in the blog world that I want to participate in. 

Judy's Quilt Your Stash and Tell it to the Stars Mystery
Denise Russart's  From Head to Toe and Knit Your Stash
Hexagon BOM
Crazy Quilt Journal Project
Pearl Pereira's Forever Blooming
Loopy Ewe Challenges
Eat Sleep Knit Yarnathon

I am looking forward to visiting others who are participating in this blog party.  And suspect that I will bump into on other blogs.

I thought I would share a few pictures.

Redwork Aunt Mindy's Garden
 Three dimensional pinwheels
 Cowl and Slouch Hat
 Hocuspocusville Blackwork
 Baby Sampler Blanket


  1. Hi Beth,

    I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. Your quilts and embroidery are gorgeous - you are very talented! I plan to look around a little more and then make my way around to everyone. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

  2. very pretty quilts. I admire people who can do such advanced knitting!

  3. I am visiting from the Grow your blog party. I also like to knit, sew and stitchery. But your quilts and stitchery are much more advanced than mine. I love the Redwork Aunt Mindy's Garden and Hocuspocusville Blackwork. Last year I was knitting more than sewing, but hope to improve my sewing this year. You are welcome to visit my blog! Greetings from Marit Johanne in Norway

  4. You do lovely work! Welcome to grow your blog day! Love the red and white embroidered quilt.

  5. Your work is lovely! I don't knit, but I do quilt and I love doing genealogy. I enjoyed reading your post and visiting your blog today!

  6. Oh my, I am envious of your talent! Knitting is still a struggle for me and making my own quilt designs, well beyond my abilities right now. That is one of the reasons this Grow Your Blog is so great, varied inspiration! Genealogy is one of my passions also. I have recently joined a genealogy group in my hometown & look forward to our monthly meetings.

  7. I too love to cook! I wish you luck with your new years resolution. I learned a lot about blogging from Plumrose Lane, she has a bunch of free tutorials and an e-book you can get also. It was so nice to meet you.


  8. Good morning Beth, Sandy from Grow Your Blog party! This is so much fun, and I am meeting so many interesting people! Your a very busy girl!! I crochet and knit and sew and have too many projects going! Lol....No, never enough time in the day, week, month to do all we enjoy with everything else we do. Stop by my place, say hello! I joined your blog! Sandy

  9. Hi Beth! It's great to know you! Your quilting skills make me oohh and ahhhh with eyes popping out! Happy crafting! Enjoy the party!

  10. Hi Beth, I'm doing CQJP 2014 too, I look forward to seeing your blocks :)

  11. Hello I 'm very happy, and nice to meet you!! .... your blog is very nice! I'm following now, happy Grow your blog!!

  12. So happy to have found your blog, will be stopping by often now to see what other lovely quilty endeavors you have been up to.

  13. Hello Beth, I picked your blog from the 2014 GYB party as one of the first to go visiting and find we have many interests in common. I'm fairly new to patchwork and quilting but have knitted for ages. Just started blogging 2 weeks ago! so would appreciate support. I have been investigating my family history for about 10 years too. I'll be following you on Bloglovin. Good Luck with the party. Catherine

  14. i am retired to !blog at wont to bequilter, following

  15. Hi Beth! I adore your Mindys Garden quilt! And your knitting looks great. It is very nice to meet you. I am a new follower and look forward to watching your creativity flow! lol.

  16. Hi Beth!

    We had to laugh at your stash report--we don't have the nerve to count up our stashes! ;-) Love your quilts and knitting projects--they must give you much pleasure.

    Good Luck with the Grow Your Blog party!

    Deb and Kathy

  17. I love your redwork piece. It is lovely. Nice to meet you here. Have fun and enjoy the hop.

  18. A former school nurse, huh? I can only imagine the anecdotes seeded in your mind...

    It is nice to meet you. Here via GYB!

  19. Hi Beth. Just found your blog via GYB. We have loads in common including genealogy which is a passion of mine. You do lovely work will be visiting again. Hope you will pay me a visit too.

  20. Hi Beth - I've come over from the Grow Your Blog party - and it's great to find another Crazy Quilter and I see you're also into stitcheries. I'm signing up to follow your blog as I'm taking part in the CQJP 2014 also - my January block is pieced I'm just working on the embellishments now.

  21. Hi Beth. Good luck with the Grow Your Blog party! I am a quilter and blogger as well, joining in the party. I look forward to reading your blog now and then and seeing what you do. Happy Day!

  22. I like to many of the same things you like to do. I noticed one is reading,,,,I have found listening to books on tape, I can stitch at the same time!

  23. Hi...I love your hocuspocusville quilt....I would so love to quilt..but crochet, bead, read, hard back and tapes, sew and right now I am working part time at Jackson Hewett during the tax season. Welcome aboard will love "visiting" with you.


  24. Oh...and I am the holder of all OLD pictures for my family so I do work on genealogy also and send out pics as I scan them....

  25. Beautiful work. Good luck with the party.

  26. HI Beth, waving to you from cold snowy New Brunswick, Canada. I too love to quilt, CQ and read, hope you'll drop by to visit me too and enter my Giveaway. I love your Hocuspocusville quilt!

  27. Beth, I am paying you a visit via Vicki's Grow Your Blog party. I have been visiting the blogs of others for years, but started my own blog just over a year ago(December 2012). Therefore, I am still learning all the ins and outs as I go along.

    Sewing is one of my favorite past-times, but I have dabbled into most every craft to some degree and love the challenge of a new craft technique. I hope never to stop learning and discovering new ways to create things. It brings me great joy to share sewing and other crafts techniques with others.

    Your quilts are beautiful, as are the knitted creations!

    I have enjoyed my visit to your blog and it is my hope that you will drop by Mimi Mine to pay me a visit.

    Have a great Sunday tomorrow!

  28. Lovely projects - Aunt Mindy's garden is outstanding. I am a follower. Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway, Beth. Hugs!

  29. Beautiful pictures and projects! I am going to do the Crazy quilt challenge, too, thanks to you! I want to learn to do that confidently!
    I have 5 adut children and am Mimi to 2...and I love the same things you do, also love the picture of you and your daughter!

  30. You are a very talented lady! The Redwork quilt is awesome. Thanks for sharing your talents and I look forward to reading your future posts.

  31. Hello Dear Beth
    I am here to welcome you to this GYB Party on behalf of Vicki, our wonderful hostess, as a volunteer to help in her visiting over 500 blogs. I am sure you will get to meet her eventually so for now I am here to make you feel welcome.
    I too remember hitting the button for the first time 4 years ago and I am still hitting that publish button today.
    I can't tell you the satisfaction, enjoyment and inspiration you will receive if you keep blogging and visiting as many blogs as you can especially in this party.
    Your quilting is wonderful and, being a crazy quilter too, I appreciate what that is like fondling all those beautiful fabrics.
    Wishing you the best of luck with your blog,

  32. Hello from Yukon! I hope you're enjoying this party as much as I do.
    Evalina, This and that...

  33. Beth, I'm sitting here sipping tea and enjoying the eye candy. I'm especially jealous of your HocusPocusVille quilt- that one's been on my to-do list for a while and yours is beautiful.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  34. I became a follower through Google Friends. I like most of the same crafts that you do. I like to knit and I love quilting. I do like to embroider from time to time. I do have some embroidery started to incorporate into a quilt - flower blocks. I am currntly working on a hand pieced (not EPP) Grandmother's Flower Garden - queen size. I have two quilts to bind before our guild's quilt show in June. One is a king size double wedding ring. The other is queen size and I need to scallop and bind it. So, I'll be busy with lots of hand stitching. I am improving on my needle turn. Like everything it takes practice. One of my goals for this year is to practice my free motion quilting. Thanks for growing your blog.

  35. Nice site, great quilts, love the pinwheel, but we have a common interest, we both love applique.. While I don't do mine by hand, I do appreciate those who have the patience for it. Best Wishes.

  36. Replies
    1. Beautiful quilts. I love to make quilts and finally have a creative space in the house so I can work any time. Maybe soon I will have some quilts as lovely as yours.

  37. I'm visiting through the GYB party - so nice to meet you and read your blog. You make lovely quilts!


  38. Hi there. I'm visiting through GYB. I love your projects! I look forward to following you!

  39. :) gorgeous such eclectic projects I love them.

  40. Thank you so much for sharing! I think you and I have similar things on our want-to-do-lists! I appreciate the hard work that has gone into your projects!

  41. Love your quilts. Embroidery and quilting go so well together. Enjoyed reading your post and look forward to see what you create in the new year.
    Sew Incredibly Crazy

  42. Pleased to meet you Beth - I found you through GYB. Your quilts are just stunning - love the knitting too. I'll be back to visit soon......

  43. love the beautiful knitted hat and scarf; must be because I'm freezing and still have to go to the barn and do morning chores. visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoying your blog.

  44. New follower via GFC, come on over and join up with me. FiddleStix Quilts Home of the Learning Curve

  45. Just admiring your quilts and looking forward to reading your older posts.

  46. Oh my, the cowl and slouch hat - gorgeous! I am doing the CQ project too, better get on as it is the 26th! Well done on beginning your blog, even if you did huit the publish button accidentally! Visiting from Vicki's party!

  47. Glad to meet you Beth! Fun visiting GYB party sites! looking forward to following your blog posts. best, deborah

  48. I love the redwork quilts you featured. Redwork is a style of embroidery typically done in red. Blackwork is actually a type of needlework done on cross-stitch fabric, aida cloth.

    Thanks for sharing your blog. I can't wait to read more posts. I am an embroiderer participating in Grow Your Blog too.


  49. Hello Beth
    It's lovely to meet you through Vicki's party. Well done for joining in!
    I remember the day I first linked up to a blog party too - it was all so new and scarey.
    It's lovely to hear your plans for 2014 - I would like to learn how to crazy quilt - there are some wonderful CQ blogs out there.

    I'm following you now and I'll be back again the party ends!
    I hope you will come over and enter my giveaway.

  50. Hi Beth, I remember how long it took me to figure out how to link. Nearly 5 years later, and I'm still learning things. I love to crochet and cross-stitch and eating healthy is a choice I make each and every day. All the best, Tammy

  51. Hello, Beth! I am also participating in CQJP 2014! I enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to seeing more of it in the future. I love that you make Stash Reports. (I wonder if I should try that to show my hubby I really am making a dent in my supplies?! Or, to simply hold myself a little more accountable. I fear using part of my stash would justify buying more with my way thinking ~ lol!) Now, I'm off to work on my CQJP 2014 February block. I am so glad I found your blog through the GYBP!

  52. Hi Beth, I am visiting from the party, your work is just beautiful!. It took me a long time to figure out the computer too-so no worries. enjoy the party! Kathy

  53. Great works. You are surely busy. Enjoyed your blog from GYB.

  54. Nice to meet you! I am coming here via the GYB event and I am a quilter too! I love your redwork quilt! It is simply stunning!

    Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

    Elise @

  55. Hi Beth, I am coming with the GYB party, too, and love your quilting as much as your knitting. that hat/cowl set is just beautiful. Am following you via bloglovin to see more in the future, but willbrowse through your old posts, too.

  56. Just stopping by to quickly say a friendly "hello" from the UK via GYBP.

    I knit too but haven't ventured in the world of quilting ....yet;)
    Do please visit my blog / if you have time. I'm also having a giveaway. Happy blog hopping :)

  57. Hi Beth, I'm a Beth also! (giggle) I love all your interests and share several of them... well, if you get a chance to pop over during the blog party you'll see, :D If you ever need some help with something on your blog don't hesitate to ask, I'd be glad to help. I just moved my blog to Wordpress and you can find me at (my old blog is on BlogSpot like yours is http://elisabetpollock[dot]blogspot[dot]com), which I am leaving up because most of my blogging history is there. I love your quilts and all the challenges you are interested in... must have a look-see myself! :D Well, I'm a new follower of yours, great to meet you and look forward to many future conversations.
    Hugs from New Hampshire USA,
    Beth P

  58. Hello just a comment to say Hi! I'm hopping around from GYB and love your quilts, and all the rest, too! I make jewelry, (or is that buy beads?) Well, anyway and do a bit of quilting, too. Stop by to see my blog at Lily and Jasmine Treasures

  59. Yes, I remember that moment oh so well ... the hitting button to publish. My reason for starting the blog was to keep a clear mind on all my stitchy projects and finishes ... oh well it is not clear and there are less finishes than I'd like to admit, but hey I am a bigger addict than ever!

    Enjoy the party! and good luck on developing your blog.


  60. Looks like we have a lot in common. I am visiting you via the Grow Your Blog Hop and am now your newest follower with Bloglovin. If you get a chance, please visit me at Happy Stitching!!

  61. Reviewing being a newbie blogger I missed some minor details like making comments... But Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party entries are 600 bloggers. My reading was a little tasking. I wanted to read and get to know the girls so I did read everyone's bio 24 hours left to go now I just review at much as I can. If you like come visit My site contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. I liked you following you on goggle connect and Bloglovin you. hope to see you in the cyber neighborhood I am new to blogging so I don't have a lot posted because I got side tract with GYB party. Kind of felt it was important to have some one read my silly chatter. I can't remember a time I didn't dabble in something creative. I tried a little of everything. But, my new love these days is Card making I just love it.
