Friday, July 26, 2013

On and (Off) the needles Friday

I have been a knitting machine lately.  Camp Loopy is in full swing.  I finished project #2--Pine Forest baby Blanket.
Project #3 doesn't start until Aug 1.  I will be knitting Devenish by Eileen Casey for my grandaughter.  The yarn is Cascade Superwash in Pink rose.

So before I start another project, I hope to finish the Summer winds infinity scarf.  I have a little frogging to do.  I forgot a yarn over or a decrease--can't seem to find it.  But we have a Condo association meeting tonight, so I will take my kntting along.  Does anyone dread Condo meetings as much as me?  They can be so uncomfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty baby blanket. I love Cascade 220! Now to check out your pattern.....
