Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January OMG

 I had high hopes to complete a pair of mitts using Suzanne Bryan's tutorial.  The most difficult was the Tubular Cast On and Bind Off.  I did not do well with the BO.  But I am not giving up.  I will keep practicing.  I am going to link up with Elm Street Quilting OMG.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Two Weeks Into the New Year

The one promise I made myself this year—resolution sort of—is to enjoy what I am doing.  In the past I have had a tendency to sign up for challenges and mystery projects. My yarn stash needs to be whittled down.  And those quilting UFO's need to be completed.

My first hat for 2023.

And a pair of thrummed mittens:

Sunday, January 1, 2023

OMG January 2023

A time for fresh starts and new adventures.  Participating in Elm Street Quilts OMG (one monthly goal) has helped me focus on projects that I want to finish.  It makes me feel energize.  My first project for 2023 is to complete Suzanne Bryan's Fingerless Mitts that Fit tutorial.  The gauge swatch is complete.  Now I have to do the math and make them.