Saturday, October 31, 2020

OMG Finish for October

 I did it!!!  Little Miss Vivian's quilt is finished and mailed.

Friday, October 16, 2020

On My Needles

 Even though I knit every evening, I haven't finished too much.  But I am slooowly moving along and enjoying my projects.  Several years ago I purchased an Advent Kit that has been languishing in my stash.  I decided to use it to make the Leftovers' Cowl.  I haven't done much fair isle and thought this would help me master it.

I have always wanted to try my hand at thrummed mittens and found a KAL to participate in. I definitely need more practice.  My initial thrumms a little to fat.  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

OMG for October

 Of all of the things on my to do list this month is to finish  Miss Vivian's Quilt.  She was born in April and want her to have it SOON