Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Catching Up

I had grand plans this year to work on all of my PhD's.  I have tried very hard to participate in Gail's PhD project for the past three years.  I have great intentions at the beginning of every year.  I am having a little difficult posting a screen shot of my tally sheet.  But this is my summary.

PhD Finishes:  1--Leftover Jelly roll lap quilt

Finishes for 2020:

  1. Milestone Quilt

Starts for 2020:

  1. A Quilting Life's 2020 BOM
  2. Quilt Doodles Grandma's Attic 2020 BOM
  3. Abys Quilts Sisters BOM
  4. Bonnie Hunter's Unity QAL
  5. A Christmas Carol Wool Mystery Quilt
  6. Little Miss C's Sea Creatures Quilt
I should be feeling a little guilty but I am not.  I am happy, having fun and almost enjoying the quarantine.

A Finish

I have no excuses for not posting sooner.  After all,  I have lots of time on my hands.  I have managed to keep very busy that past five weeks of our quarantine.  There is a new granddaughter due to make an appearance within the next two weeks.  My daughter requested a milestone quilt/blanket.  I had no idea what that was but Meg sent me a picture of the one she liked.  The panel has been on back order since December and I honestly didn't think it was going to work out.  But it did and it is done.
I quilted it on my embroidery machine using the Spring Meander design from Amelie