Friday, January 26, 2018

On the Needles Friday

The past few weeks have been a little crazy.  Medical stuff can be very draining especially when it was one of my daughters. 
No matter what I worked on I made BIG mistakes.  I was making more of a mess trying to "frog" it.  It is a beautiful mystery KAL, Bantry Bay,  from Impeccable Knits.  I love knitting cables and I think I am on the right track now.

My quilting isn't as successful.  I was trying a new technic for combining half square triangles to make an hour glass shape.  After I attempted to put it together, I realized I made a mistake in cutting.  Can you see the mistake?  Since this is a quilt kit, I am not sure I will have enough fabric to correct it.
The units on the right and left are off.  Not a good day for sewing!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Stash Report Week 1

Time to reinstate fabric and yarn accountability.  My yarn numbers were pretty good last year.  I used more than I purchased.  However, I wasn't as attentive to my fabric.  I didn't purchase much but I didn't do a good job keeping track of what came in and what went out.  So for the new year, I am starting from scratch.

Fabric in this week:  0 yards
Fabric out this week:  0 yards  even though I finished a quilt top.  I will wait until the quilt is finished.  This is where I get into trouble.  By the time I finish something I am in a rush to get it done and out that I forget to add it to my numbers.

Yarn in this week:  0 yards only because I haven't been to the mailbox.  There is yarn waiting for me that was a planned purchase--actually 2 planned purchases.  My goal is to knit as much as possible from stash.

Yarn out this week:  203 yards

Friday, January 5, 2018

On the Needles Friday

My first finish for 2018.
I love the little Top This hats.  They make cute gifts.  And best of all I can work on them during drop in knitting.  I am much less likely to make a mistake.

A friend and I have started a Hats for Charity KAL called Knit One Crochet tooat our LYS.   I am the knitter and Mary a crocheter.  Our first project for 2018 were little premie hats for the American Heart Association.  Our February project is for a local Soup Kitchen.  We will be making adult hats and the pattern we will provide is for a Mistake Rib Hat in chunky yarn.

 I have also been working on Build it with Lace.  I am on the third of nine lace sections.  I am enjoying the project and the yarn, The Periwinkle Sheep.