Saturday, September 23, 2017

Knitting Report

I am happy to report that no new yarn came in.  (This is good news for me.)  And on top of that I managed to finish a four pony tail hats for a total of 400 yards. 
I don't often use chunky yarn but I enjoyed making these. 
I always get inspiration from Judy's blog.  She always finds some great patterns that I add to my list.

So far this year my numbers are:
Yarn in this week:  0
Yarn out this week:  400
Yarn in YTD: 8760
                                             Yarn out YTD:  7381

What is on your needles?

Friday, September 8, 2017

Knitting Report

I have been drooling over some yarn at my LYS.  And I was determined to make something with it.  I needed another project and more yarn like a zebra needs more stripes.  Michelle Hunter's new book Building with Lace kept jumping into my hands.  A perfect marriage the shawl from the book and Sandstorm.  But before I start, I must finish my Rosewood Sweater.  The back and front are done and I am about halfway through the first sleeve.

We are leaving for a little vacation in New Jersey meeting up with family for a few days.  That will give me lots of car knitting time--it is seven hours each way.

This week I managed to add more than 4000 yards of yarn.  Sixteen hundred yard I bought for the shawl but I was gifted about 2500 yards for a little contest we had at our LYS.  

I REALLY REALLY don't want to buy or win any more yarn this year.  I am determined to go Cold Sheep for the rest of the year.