Saturday, January 28, 2017

On the Needles

I have been absent from the blogging world for a few weeks for a very good reason.  We have a new grandson who lives in VA.  Little Mr. M joined our family 2 weeks ago.  The Big Guy and I drove from MA to VA for some serious baby holding time.  It was heavenly.  While in the car I was able to apply a binding to a quilt and work on my Sophisticated Traveler.  The color of the yarns used are more grey than the photo.

Before we left on our road trip, I finished the Never ending scarf.  I purchased the yarn from the Loopy Ewe in 2012.  It had always been intended for this project

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Revised 17 in 2017

After re-reading the requirements for Pomegranate and Chintz's challenge,  I had to make a few revisions since a few of the projects have yet to be started even though they are on the list for the year. 
  1. Revolutionary Flare
  2. Left over Jelly Roll
  3. Owl Strippy Quilt
  4. Home Tweet Home
  5. 30's four Patch Euro Swap
  6. Guild Sampler
  7. Underground Railroad
  8. Double Monkey Wrench
  9. Umbrella Critters
  10. Sophisticated Traveler Shawl
  11. Little Cotton Rabbit
  12. Never Ending Scarf
  13. Christmas Stocking for New Grandbaby  Aunt Mindy's Flower Baskets
  14. Christmas Stocking for Leo--a very large dogDryad Scarf
  15. Socks #1
  16. Great American Aran Afghan
  17. Eat Sleep Knit Q1 KAL--Melanie Berg's patterns Silk Scarf
I think I have it right now.

Friday, January 6, 2017

On the Needles

One week has gone by and no new yarn!!!  Yeah for me.  I purchased the yarn for a never ending scarf back in 2012.  I have made definite progress this week.  It doesn't require a lot of attention.  Since I don't have much of the light grey, those stripes will be narrower.
I cast on Sophisticated Traveler with some Plucky Knitter Yarn that I had purchased last year.