Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stash Report

A few not so positive changes.  I needed some backing fabric and of course nothing in my stash was right for the project.

Fabric in this week:  5 yards
Fabric out this week:  0 yards
In YTD:  34.5 yds
Out YTD:   71 yards

My yarn numbers did not change this week.  But I know I will be having more come in before the end of the year.

Friday, October 28, 2016

On the Needles Friday

I finished the first sock for Knit Purl Hunter's Cableship KAL.  And the second sock is ready for the heel.  This is my first attempt at Judy's magic cast on.  I do like the technic and will use it again.

This was also the first time I used a Russian bind off.  It is very neat and pretty.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Design Wall Monday --ok Tues

At my LQS there is an Embroidery Quilt BOM program that I have been doing the last couple of years.  This year we are using Anita Goodesign's Landscape Animals.

This is my progress so far.  It is a fun project.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Stash Report

I have bee avoiding this post like the Black Plague.  I mentioned a few posts ago (I think) that I went on a yarn crawl with three of my Wooly Friends.  We each had a shopping list with a few items--nothing extravagant.  I was looking for a specific gauge ruler.  And I wanted to purchase yarn for a baby blanket for the new little grandbaby due in Jan.  We saw lots of amazing samples that got our creative juices flowing but we exercised remarkable restraint.

We purchased our "passports" at our home LYS.  The canvas bag had some knitty loveliness.
These were my purchases after visiting 5 shops.  I think I did well.  The yarn at the top right is to make a cowl.  The yarn is soft and feels wonderful against the skin.  The left forefront is Sueno in a blue gray for the baby yet to come.  And tucked under the gauge ruler is a skein of encore and a hank of roving to try my hand at thrummed mittens.

So now that I have tried to justify my purchases I am going to fess up to my numbers. 

Yarn in since I last calculated:  2719 yards
Yarn out this week:  0 yards (lots of WIP's)
Yarn in YTD:  18405 yards (No I am not missing a decimal point!)
Yarn out YTD:  6538

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Falling Off the Wooly Wagon

Do you ever feel the need for a little accountability with yarn purchases or fabric purchase?  I always have good intentions but often times have a few special things that just beg to come home.  Such was the case when working last week at my LYS.  Like most well intentioned knitters, I don't NEED any stash yarn.  But I will purchase yarn on special occasions such as the yarn crawl I went on a few weeks back (more on that latter).  Several of my knitting friends (aka Wooly Women) are going to participate in Knit Purl Hunter Cableship KAL. I am not a proficient sock knitter and thought the KAL would move me in that direction.

This is my yarn choice.  It reminds me of watermelon and I wanted happy socks.  The yarn is Zauberball and it feels lovely.

I only want to buy yarn for specific projects that I will work on in the coming months.  But I am weak.  these two lovelies found their way into my work bag. 
So the big question is will I stop buying yarn for the time being.  Well-l-l-l-l!!!!!  Not exactly.  I found a darling poncho pattern for my granddaughter, and I think I need to start it.  Maybe just one more project's work of wooly goodness.