Friday, April 29, 2016

On the Needles Friday

I don't know where the week has gone!  The Big Guy and I spent the week with medical maintenance.  I know that it is a good to nip things in the bud.  But we took that advice literally this week.  But I did manage a little progress on my 14 Carat Poncho.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

What's Next

As promised in the last post, I promised more of "no sharp objects for me this week".

Machine quilting and I struggle.  But I am determined to be able to do it.  I basted a quilt top that I had made last and wanted to stitch in the ditch.  My walking foot is ready to go and I can kind of sew a straight line.
It is a little bulky but manageable.  I was carefully clipping my basting threads as I stitched. (This was the first time I had used boards to baste my quilt.  I think I like it)  Each time I clipped a thread, I told myself  BE CAREFUL.  LIFT THE STITCH.

Not only did I clip the quilt top, but there is also a lovely V-clip on my finger.  The machine has been turned off.  The scissors are safely locked up.  Someone else will have to carve the ham tonight.

One of those Weeks

Have you ever had a week that just keeps going down hill?  I should not have been playing with sharp objects this week.  Let me start by saying that no matter how old your kids are, when they hurt you hurt.

But now on to sharp objects i.e. knitting needles.  I was moving right along on my 14 Carat poncho with KnitPurlHunter.  I was well on my with Clue 2.  I even put a lifeline in just after the picture was taken.  But if you look very close to the 2nd marker from the right, you will see a yarn over that doesn't belong there.  You are looking at the work for clue.  I then did 15 rows of Clue 2 when I found the pesky yo.  The harder I tried to repair it, the worse everything became.  Finally at 10 PM last night I frogged the entire project.
This is where I am now.
I facilitate a KAL group at our LYS.  I am sure everyone will be much further along than me. 
Stay tuned for the next post.  It gets better, uh worse!!

Friday, April 8, 2016

On the Needles Friday

Another Great American Afghan block done.  I know it will look much better when it is blocked.  It was a little tricky working it in the round. 
I casted on another that is worked in columns.
This is a new technic for me but I like how it is turning out.
I am ready to cast on the Knit Purl Hunter's 14 Carat Poncho.  the first clue was released Thursday but I was still working on my gauge swatch.  I will be facilitating a group at our LYS.  Half of the group is using the recommended yarn Hikoo Cobasi.  My color is Raffi.
The other half is working with Knit One Crochet Too Elfin.
I am off to visit Judy's blog to see what others are working on.