Sunday, July 26, 2015

On the Needles (Friday) Sunday

Better late than never!!  Freedom Trail is blocked and delivered to my LYS.
My mitered blanket doesn't seem to be making progress.  I think I will notice more when I change colors.
This picture looks very blue.  It looks more dark green.  I will have to work on a better picture.

I have made a little progress on my Guernsey Triangle.  I love everything about this project.
I am off to link up with Judy--not sure if the link is still open.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Design Wall Monday

I started this strip quilt two years ago.  Everything is cut.  Only 24 more blocks to finish the top. 
I am off to visit Judy's blog and get inspired.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bag Lady

I have been trying to catch up on organizing tasks and getting things in order.  I tend to do this when I feel stressed.

I wanted to post a few things on Ravelry for my Eat Sleep Knit projects.  One of the badges to earn is called Bag Lady.  Just have to show that I have at least (cough) 6 project bags.
Here are 7 projects in various stages of being started.  (I don't think that sentence makes much sense.  The front left floral bag is my sock knitting bag.  The bag behind it is for my mitered square afghan.  Center front bad is Sandbar Shawl, and there are two bags behind both with Custom Fit sweaters.  The front right bag is my Guernsey shawl.  Behind the shawl is the start of an owl blanket and lastly is a big chunky cowl.

I only wish I could knit and quilt at the same time.

Friday, July 10, 2015

On the needles Friday

I finished Block #6 for my Great American Aran Afghan.


Progress on my ESK Mitered Square KAL is slow and steady.  I will start a white skein after this green skein of yarn.  I hope I finish by the Dec 31 deadline!
My last project on the needles is a sample for my LYS. I don't often knit a lace pattern and this one is not that difficult even though I had to cast on 9 times!!!!!  Never have so few stitches (20) given me so much trouble but I am well on my way.
I am off to visit Judy's site to see what others are knitting, crocheting, spinning.
OOPS  Forgot my last picture: 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Stash Report

Image result for july 4th clip art vintage  Happy Fourth of July!!!!

I had a lovely visit with my sister this week.  I talked until all hours of the night.  I miss her already.

So I thought I would catch up.

Fran and I went to a quilt shop and a few yarn shops.  I did find some background fabric that I wanted to add to my stash.  I have a few machine embroidery quilts in mind and wanted to be prepared with some choices.

Fabric in this week:  14.5 yards
Fabric out this week:  6.5 yards. Backing and binding for two quilts
Fabric in YTD:  63.5 yards
Fabric Out YTD:  60.5 yards

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Eat Sleep Knit Challenges 2015

This will not be the first time I have mentioned my love affair with Eat Sleep Knit (ESK) and their Yarnathon.  I am a proud member of the Cowlette Team and I have completed several of the KAL.  You can see these projects and others on my Ravelry page.

I haven't told the Big Guy yet but I want to plan a trip to Georgia so I can visit the shop!  I will  let you know how that works out.  But for now I am very happy with shopping on line.

I just received my latest box of loveliness.
In the back row is some fun multi colored yarn to make an Owl quilt for the crochet badge.  The two skeins on the front row, left side are for socks.  The middle two are for a scarf for someone for Christmas and the last 3 are for a shawl.

Another finish for the 2015 Finish Along challenge. 
I will have some significant yardage to report later this week.  The first time in a very long time