Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fantastic Flowers

My LQS offers an embroidery quilt BOM.  This year we are working with various threads--metallic, wool and many others.  Our project is Momo -Dini's Sparkling Chrysanthemums.
For this first block I used Floriani rayon threads and sulking Haloshimmer.
My second block used Floriani rayon, haloshimmer and sulky metallic.  The differences are subtle but I like working with the different threads.


This is a close up of block 2.  The center is slightly different than the first.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Yarnathon update

I love participating in knitting challenges.  They make me think outside of my box (which I desperately need at times!) 
One of my favorite on line sources for yarn is Eat Sleep Knit (ESK).  Since I will never, ever run a marathon, the closest I will get to one is a Yarnathon.  This I could probably keep up with much to my Big Guy's dismay.

I am on the Roboknit team.  And our challenge this quarter was to knit something Robot
And here he is Basketball Robot cloth.  the yarn is Blue Sky Worsted Cotton.  If you have the opportunity visit ESK's ravelry group to see the other groups.

On the Needles Friday on Sunday

"A day late and a dollar short"  keeps running through my brain!!!  I can't seem to get on track.
Unlike quilting, I can only work on one knitting project at a time.  I think this is good.  Our three daughters like leg warmers and mitts when they run.  Now that winter is (almost) over and summer knocking at our door,  I am making progress on the leg warmers!  See what I mean by a day late, etc.

The yarn is Dream in Color Calm and the color is Purple Rain.  I purchased the yarn at Eat Sleep Knit, one of my favorite on- line sources for yarn.  I am having fun participating in the Yarnathon.  The pattern is Twirl Leg Warmers and Mitts from Misti alpaca

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Yarn Report Week 14

I can't even pretend to hide my love affair of yarn.  There are a few on line challenges that I want to do.  So of course I didn't have enough stash to cover the projects.
The three skeins on the left are Dream in Color Calm in Purple Rain.  One of my DD's would like a pair of leg warmers and fingerless mitts.

The eight skeins on the right are Blue Sky Alpaca Silk in Blueberry for my first ever custom fit sweater.

The bright yellow is Blue Sky Worsted Cotton for an Eat Sleep Knit second quarter challenge.

Yarn in this week:  12 skeins
Yarn out this week:  0
Yarn in YTD:  27 skeins
Yarn Out YTD:  11.5

On the Needles Friday

No progress was made on my Gramps Cardigan.  In fact, it is now wrapped into 2 neat balls.  I messed the cables up and just couldn't fix it.  I was rushing so much to finish by April 11.  That project will be on hold for awhile.
But since I can't just sit around, I pulled out my Granny Square bag.  I have been working on them for years.  Every now and again I do a few more.
This is a good project when I need something mindless to do.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tell it to the Stars

Before time runs out I want to share March's clue for Tell it to the Stars.
I can't wait to work on April's clues.  Visit Judy's place to see what others are doing.