Monday, February 27, 2012

Heartstrings Quilt Project

While visiting Mary of Making Scrap Quilts from Stash, I read about her heart Strings project.  I couldn't resist.  So I have completed a few blocks made from fabric from kits and BOM that I will never finish.  This is such a fun way to use up pieces that are to big to throw away but not enough for any project.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stash report Week 9

I missed week 8 for a very good reason.  I was in Hawaii for the first time.  Our youngest daughter was going for business and lucky mom that I am got to go with her.  I was able to do a little knitting and some reading.  But mostly, I enjoyed exploring Oahu and soaking up the sun.  I have decided I am a born tourist. 

But back to reality.  My stash report is essentially unchange from 2 weeks ago. 

Fabric In this week:  0 yards
Fabric Out this week:  0 yards 
Fabric In YTD:  16 yards
Fabric Out YTD: 1.5 yards


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I have been trying for years to learn FMQ--with very little success.  Well, I signed up for the  FMQ challenge on SewCalGal's blog.  (I don't know how to "high-light" to make a link.)  For the first time ever, I feel successful.  My stitches are not perfect and I have along way to go. 

I am planning to make baby quilts and try out my new skills. Little babies won't notice all of the mistakes and I will get plenty of practice.