Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting Inspired

I look forward to checking in on the blogs I like follow.  And I love how one blog leads to another!!  There are challenges and motivations everywhere in blogland.  I have always been a "list" person.  Writing it down and then being able to cross it off when done is very satisfying.  I haven't always applied this tactic to my needlework.  But now is the time to set goals, hopefully stop staring new UFO's.  I found the FMQ challenge on SewCals blog and couldn't resist.  I wrote about the Crazy quilting Journal Project--couldn't resist that either!!!  The stash busting report on Judy L's site has grabbed me sine I started reading her blog.  But the very methodical part of me won't let start until January 1.  (I am more type A than I would ever like to admit.)  And when on Judy's site this AM I was reading another person's report when what did I see but another challenge--using notions and gadgets that have been waiting!!  I will post that site as soon as I go back.

So, while "my boys" are enjoying Sunday football, I am going to my sewing haven and inventory what is in progress, prioritizing (ugh not a nice word for stuff I love) what I want to work on.  I think I will identfy categories;  Piecing, Applique, Knitting, Stitchery, etch and then maybe put no more than 5 in each one.

P.S.   All of this organizing, prioritizing,m categorizing could be the fever talking.  I forgot to mention that on Thanksgiving Day I came down with the FLU..Everything from that day until today is a blur!!!.  Hmm I wonder how far I will get with this project today--or is it a dream!!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Crazy Quilting

I have long been in love with crazy quilting.  I haven't really completed anything but hope springs eternal!  The CQJP2012 will begin in January.  In addition, Sharon B of Pin Tangle Pintangle will have a TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday) project introducing a different stitch every Tues.  What could be better!!!  Do any of you find that take on more than you can handle?  I can't choose just one fiber art to focus on.  I like knitting, stitcheries, applique, quilting etc.,  I want to do it all. 

Happ stitching!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

FMQ Challenge

Happy Thankgiving. The pumpkin bourbon tart just came out of the oven. the house is beginning to smell like Thanksgiving!!!    I saw Erin's post on her blog, One Piece at a Time, about a FMQ challenge for 2012.  I couldn't sign up fast enough.  Enjoy family friends and good times this week end.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Myra's Mystery

Wher to begin. I know I can be tardy in posting but this time Mother nature had her hand in it. We lost power for 4 days. The northeast has a nor'easter starting last Saturday. There are still many people without power. I was in the middle of working on Myra's mystery last Saturday when our power went out. This afternoon I was able to catch up. I have included a photo of my progress so far.
This is the third time in less than a year that we have lost power for an extended period--more than three days.  Much of the food in our refridgerator had to be thrown away again.